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Category: Comic Books

The Joker’s April Fool’s Day Sale

What better way to celebrate April Fool’s day that with the Joker? DC Comics is having a three day sale on digital comics featuring the

Before Watchmen Covers from DC

There’s been some controversy behind the upcoming DC Comics Before Watchmen prequels (mainly on original creator Alan Moore’s end) but I thought I’d share the

Hello to TGG Visitors!: A Quick Introduction from Greg McAleer

Hi everyone! I’m the newest contributor to The Gaming Gang and I wanted to take a moment to make an introduction in this, my first post.

A long time ago, a very wise man coined a phrase to convey his admiration and appreciation for the readers of his many works. This man experienced long hours and, truth be told, many hardships in and out of his industry just to bring as much enjoyment to his fans as he could.