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Category: Family Fun Zone

Elliott Appears in Chicago Parent Magazine

Yes! Our very own co-founder, Elliott Miller, has an article in the July issue of Chicago Parent Magazine!

Elliott talks about how table top gaming has given him an opportunity to stay close with his kids as they’ve grown up. The main focus is on family games (it’s called Chicago Parent Magazine for a reason) and how taking a little time to find out what sort of game each member of your family might dig can lead to cherished memories.

H6… You Sank My Intergalactic Battleship!

I’m not sure why Wizards of the Coast *ahem* Hasbro would use the Battleship moniker for this upcoming release since it looks as if it’s as far removed from the original Battleship as a modern missile cruiser is from a WWI cruiser, but I’m not a marketing guy. Battleship Galaxies: The Saturn Offensive hits store shelves this week and, as much as I hate to say this, it looks like it could be an interesting game.

The Gaming Gang Extra Number Seven: Stronghold Games at Origins 2011

Stephen Buonocore, one of the dynamic duo behind Stronghold Games, spent some time chatting with Elliott and I in the Origins press room. We discuss Survive: Escape from Atlantis and Confusion: Espionage and Deception in the Cold War as well as what’s on the horizon for Stronghold.

Stephen also happens to be a listener to the podcast but I’ll be honest and point out I *ahem* edited out the part where he says Elliott and I aren’t very entertaining.

Conan the Barbarian to Take on Munchkin

If you don’t have enough to keep you busy with your Munchkin adventures, this August comes a new expansion based on everyone’s favorite Cimmerian. From