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The Adversary CoverTens of thousands of Forgotten Realms fans are eagerly awaiting the third book in The Sundering event, Erin M. Evans’ The Adversary, to arrive December 3rd and readers will now have the opportunity to get their hands on the hardcover edition signed by the author. In fact, you can get the signed copy for less than the retail price of the book itself! For $25.00 you’ll receive The Adversary shipped right to your door if you order through Evan’s website, Since the holiday shopping has already begun maybe you should grab a couple of copies; one for your collection and another for a friend’s.

While you’re there be sure to check out pre-release excerpts from the novel.

And stop back here to give a listen to the December 2nd TGG show as I’ll have an interview with the author as well but, until then, here’s an inside peek into The Adversary.

Jeff McAleer

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