I mentioned in some of the latest notes there’d be more discussion of books around these here parts. Well, that and the old time radio shows you’ll be able to catch every Friday… But back to the books thing, I’m always on the lookout to share titles which should be deserving of a read and added to your buying list. So, without further ado, you should really head over to Amazon and put in your order for Caitlin R. Kiernan’s Red Delicious. Ok, maybe I should say it’s Kathleen Tierney’s novel but Tierney is simply a pen name of Keirnan’s ala Stephen King/Richard Bachman. Regardless, Red Delicious is the second in the Siobhan Quinn series, following the initial novel Blood Oranges published earlier this year under Penguin’s Roc Trade imprint.
Blood Oranges is a fun read and a touch campy (which is intentional thus making it a good thing) so I’ll expect more of the same with Red Delicious come February 4th, 2014. Granted Blood Oranges borders on inclusion into the YA market yet the satirical riff the novel takes on the current state of the “dark urban fantasy” genre is worth the price of admission alone. I’d also say the series should be of particular interest to players of Vampire, Werewolf, or other titles of a similar vein (heh…heh…) as there are plenty of interesting nuggets you can mine for your own RPG settings.
Here’s the oh too short blurb about Red Delicious:
Siobhan Quinn is back and working a new case in the dark and satirical sequel to Blood Oranges.
Half-vampire, half-werewolf Siobhan Quinn survived her initiation into the world of demons and monsters. But staying alive as she becomes entangled in underworld politics might prove to be more difficult. When the daughter of a prominent necromancer vanishes, it’s up to Quinn to find the girl. But her search will land her directly in the middle of a struggle between competing forces searching for an ancient artifact of almost unimaginable power…