From Modiphius:
Inspired by the Cthulhu Mythos of HP Lovecraft, Modiphius Entertainment wants to bring you the Keepers and the Investigator’s Guides to the Secret War, for use in the terrifying World War Two roleplaying game setting, Achtung! Cthulhu. Both books are compatible with the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game, and the first, very easy stretch goal, will allow us to make it compatible with Savage Worlds as well!
With this Kickstarter and your contributions Modiphius will raise the money needed to pay for the development, artwork and production of a full print run of both books in soft back. The first stretch goal will add Savage Worlds rules and stats to both books plus some extra content for everyone; the next will upgrade the Keeper’s Guide to a full colour hardcover print run; the next will upgrade the Investigator’s Guide to a full colour hardcover print run; while further stretch goals will unlock further books and campaigns, miniatures, and so on.
Achtung! Cthulhu – Keeper’s Guide to the Secret War features a fantastic cover by Dim Martin, already well known to Achtung! Cthulhu fans for his inspiring cover and interior art for the Achtung! Cthulhu – Zero Point campaign.
This is a full blown tome of dark knowledge that will detail secret Nazi plots, Allied & Nazi special forces & intelligence agencies, mystical missions and wonder weapon development, mythical organisations, campaign and plot ideas, key characters, vile creatures, and new rules for World War Two combat and equipment – a whole shoggoth’s worth of Cthulhu villainy, enough for any Keeper to have his investigators dead, insane, or running for their lives! The Keepers Guide to the Secret War will be the essential wartime reference for any Keeper or fan of the Cthulhu Mythos. Watch our updates for more features!
Writers: Lynne Hardy, Dave Blewer, Alex Bund, Chris Birch, Bill Bodden & Adam Crossingham.
Achtung! Cthulhu – Investigator’s Guide to the Secret War features a stunning cover by the legendary Spanish artist Pinturero which will be accompanied by amazing interior illustrations by Dim Martin. The Investigator’s Guide is the definitive guide to the late 30s and 1940s for use by players and Keepers alike. Inside you’ll find a whole kit bag stuffed with cool new occupations, skills, equipment, and backgrounds from all over Europe and the British Commonwealth. Find out how you can play as part of the Allied war effort, or risk everything within the ranks of the partisans or Nazi forces as one of the many brave heroes who fought to bring down the regime from within the borders of the Reich!