From HFDG:
City of Confusion: The Battle of Hue covers this climatic battle of the Vietnam War. The game uses a card-draw design, with each player using a standard deck of playing cards to activate units and resolve combats. Play is simple, but there are challenging decisions to make each and every turn. The NLF/NVA player will be able to overrun most of the city at the start of the game, but will the Communists be able to hang on to what they’ve taken in the face of growing US and ARVN strength and firepower? Can you as the leader of the US and ARVN forces take back and save the Imperial capital or destroy it in the process?
City of Confusion: the Battle for Hue, Tet 1968 covers the attack on the old Imperial capital of Hue by forces of the People’s Army of Vietnam and South Vietnamese insurgents of the National Liberation Front during the Tet Offensive. The Communist forces hoped a popular uprising by the “oppressed” people in South Vietnam would lead to a general uprising and overthrow of the “puppet” regime supported by the United States. The city of Hue was the only city to be completely occupied by the communist forces during the massive offensive, and was the scene of violent and close-quarter fighting that waged for nearly a month, from January 31st to February 25th, 1968. The general uprising never occurred, and in fact the communist’s disappointment led to atrocities when they massacred hundreds of “collaborators” after they took control. The fighting to retake control of the city and oust the PAVN and VC devastated the city and Imperial Palace, symbolizing the tragic and confused nature of the war.
Players are cast in the roles of the commanders of each side’s forces. Both players will have capabilities to inflict harm upon their opponent, while also having liabilities to protect.