From Evil Hat:
“Built on the legacy of Fate games like Spirit of the Century and The Dresden Files RPG—together with the ideas of Evil Hat’s upcoming Fate Core project and Mike Olson’s Strange Fate work. The stand-alone game will deliver a fast-paced and fast-to-play role-playing experience focused on the themes of Atomic Robo—action-science, robots, angry talking dinosaurs, high weirdness, and more.”
If you want to be a part of the Atomic Robo: The Roleplaying Game playtest — and I think I know you enough to say that yeah, you do — simply follow these steps:
- Ask yourself, “Am I going to have a chance to actually experience this with a group of players in the next few weeks and provide feedback?” If your answer is “Yes,” proceed.
- Download a copy of the disclosure pledge.
- Read and sign it (typing your name on the signature line is enough to acknowledge you’ve read the pledge and agree to abide by it; no need to put your actual John Hancock on this thing).
- Email your signed pledge to the email address indicated on the pledge. The subject line should say “ARRPG Pledge.”
- Remain calm and trust in Science.
- Once we have your signed pledge, you’ll be sent a link where you can download the current playtest documents.