Fantasy Flight Games has announced the first core setting book for the new generic Genesys roleplaying system and it comes as no surprise it’s based on the lands of Terrinoth. Realms of Terrinoth will take roleplayers to the world of Mennara, which has been featured in such board games as Runewars Miniatures Game, Legacy of Dragonholt, Descent: Journeys in the Dark, and Runebound. The setting book is scheduled for a Q2 release and will carry an MSRP of $49.95.
From FFG:
Terrinoth is a land of forgotten greatness and lost legacies. Once ruled by the Elder Kings who called upon mighty magics to perform great deeds and work marvels, the land has suffered greatly at the hands of its three great foes: the undead armies of Waiqar the Betrayer, the demon-possessed hordes of the bloodthirsty Uthuk Y’llan, and the terrifying dragons of the Molten Heath. Many of its great cities have been cast down into ruins, and many wondrous secrets and powerful artifacts have been lost.
For hundreds of years, Terrinoth slipped into gloom and decay. But heroes arise just when their lands need them the most. Courageous adventurers brave the ruins of past ages and the foul creatures within to uncover the treasures of their ancestors. The Daqan Barons, inheritors of the ancient kingdoms, rebuild their walls and muster their armies, while the wizards of Greyhaven gather runes of power to awaken guardians of stone and steel. These preparations come none too soon, for the ancient enemies of the lawful races are stirring again, and Terrinoth needs champions of courage and cunning to stand against the rising darkness.
Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce Realms of Terrinoth, a new sourcebook for the Genesys Roleplaying System! You can pre-order your copy today from your local retailer or our website!
Realms of Terrinoth explores the world of Mennara featured in Runewars Miniatures Game, Legacy of Dragonholt, Descent: Journeys in the Dark, and Runebound. As a fantasy campaign setting for your games of Genesys, Realms of Terrinoth also features many races, weapons, gear, careers, and more—all of which can be found in the world of Terrinoth and expanded to any fantasy setting you create as the Game Master.
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