About the issue:
Welcome to issue 30 of the Frontier Explorer! This issue introduces two new authors RJ McDonough and Oscar Rios. RJ talks about the “Art of the Crossover” and bringing outside resources into your game while Oscar gives us a couple of new equipment articles, one on needler weapons and a second on restraints.
This issue brings back our “Frontier in Miniature” series looking at miniatures for use in your game. This time, Tom Verreault kit-bashes some computers and transmitter arrays as terrain pieces. We already have a couple more miniature articles in the queue so you can expect to see more of these in the future. We are also continuing the “An Alternate Frontier” series by Richard Farris with a look at gyrojet weapons.
I thought we would be wrapping up the “Things That Go Boom!” series by Joseph Cabadas in this issue but while I was doing the editing, he submitted another that you can look for in the next issue.
Rounding out the issue we have a pair of spaceship articles by Richard “Shadow Shack” Rose, a short adventure, some new species, and a look at food trucks in the Frontier by Tom Verreault, and a look at handling random creature encounters and an article on protective gear by Joseph Cabadas. Finally, we have our regular Jurak Hangna article by Eric Winsor and the comics by Scott Mulder.
The full article list is:
- Scouting Yacht
- Surplus Assault Scout Hull
- A Death in Port
- To Boldy Expand the Frontier
- The Art of The Crossover
- Handling Random Creature
- Encounters
- Emitter Arrays & Comm Dishes
- Anakalypto
- Titan Rising: 2299 #23
- Disarming Things That Go Boom!
- Gyrojet Weapons – “Hissers”
- Pimp My Needler
- New Protective Equipment
- Personal Restraints
- Food Trucks in The Frontier
- Escape Run Comic #8
Grab your copy, sit back, and enjoy. And as always, keep exploring!