From Gen Con:
Badge Pre-Registration will close at 11:59 pm Eastern on Saturday, June 30.
Week-by-week, more fans are taking advantage of Pre-Registration than ever before. For those unfamiliar with Gen Con’s pre-registration period, purchasing a badge during this time can save you $10 off the price of most badges. After June 30, badges will increase to standard on-site prices.
Need another reason to purchase your badge today? Right now you may select a shipping option for your badge, avoiding possible Will Call lines. Badges purchased after Pre-Registration closes must be picked up on-site.
Badges and event tickets may still be purchased online after June 30, but they must be picked up on-site at our Will Call kiosks. Online purchasing will continue through the final day of the show (August 19).
To get your Gen Con Indy 2012 badge today!