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It goes without saying the Wyrd Miniatures Malifaux system is one of the most popular weird/fantasy skirmish level systems on the market today and now that game world is making its first appearance as a role playing game. Through the Breach is currently rocking out the funding on Kickstarter and looks to be an interesting take and not the same old, same old RPG fare. One of the first things you’ll notice is the game is card driven and each player possesses their own decks and I’d be interested in seeing how that plays out. The project is already well beyond the initial funding goal and continues through January 10th, 2013.

From Wyrd:

Malifaux is a successful character-driven skirmish game, with a wide range of detailed miniatures and accessories. The stories of Lady Justice, Nicodem, Colette DuBois, and many other masters of Malifaux are told with furious battles on table tops across the globe. Some rise, some fall, none of these characters have left unscarred. Their fates have become legend. 

Now it is time to determine your fate.

Through the Breach is a tabletop roleplaying game set in the world of Malifaux. Players take on the roles of various citizens, such as Gunfighters, Drudges, Dabblers, and Entertainers. Each of these characters is as unique as the players themselves. These are the Fated. As a Fated, you know your future, it has been told to you, as cryptic as the sparrow on a moonless night. It is your task to rush headlong into the arms of destiny, or to carve your own future.

One player takes on the role of the Fatemaster. It is his duty to craft the legends of the other players, to narrate the story of Malifaux in his own vision, and to move each Fated along towards the moment when they must choose between their fortune and their soul.

Through the Breach is a card-driven RPG, with actions resolved through the reveal of cards from a communal Fate Deck. Each player, however, has a Twist Deck of their own, and they can use these cards to push fate towards their own desires. The Fatemaster, however, relies on no such randomness. He is the lord of providence, after all. It is his task to weave a story, and if he dares to touch the Fate Deck… there are repercussions.

Jeff McAleer

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