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Monty Python's Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme (Crowbar Creative/Exalted Funeral)Exalted Funeral and Crowbar Creative have teamed up to bring Monty Python’s Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme to Kickstarter. The roleplaying game drops players into the madcap world of Monty Python and the Holy Grail filled with other beloved Python characters and skits. The project funded in it’s first hour or so and you can reserve a copy of the Programme in PDF for a $25.00 pledge, in standard hardcover (with dice and PDF for a $65.00 pledge, or in the limited Public School Edition (With dice and PDF) for a $95.00 pledge through November 18. Expected delivery is October of next year.

About the book:

Monty Python’s Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme is a rigorous course of study intended only for serious students of English History. It is by no means a complete and comprehensive manual for running imaginative, highly unpredictable, Mediaeval-themed role-playing games based upon the complete comedic output of Monty Python with one’s friends.

This officially licensed book features: 

  • An original rules-lite gaming system with spam.
  • Guidance on designing adventures with spam.
  • Ready-to-run quests, spam, and guidance on designing one’s own adventures.
  • Character creation, spam, bestiary, spam, and Dramatis Personae sections.
  • Tables for generating all sorts of things with spam.
  • Spam.

There is also a madcap, backgammon-based minigame called Fetchez la Vache!, which involves dice catapults, meeples, farm animals, and rude French persons.

Though the Programme is set in Mediaeval England, it draws upon Monty Python’s entire catalogue to render up an interactive world full of their unique characters, creations, and sensibilities. All of this may be brought to bear for long-term campaigning or just a single evening of educational advancement. Participants need not be familiar with Monty Python’s work in order to participate, nor is role-playing game experience required. (The latter would be entirely useless, as this is emphatically not a role-playing game, and if you do have extensive experience with such things, you are likely too silly a person to participate in this Programme and should stop reading immediately.)

Jeff McAleer

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