Paizo Inc has plenty in store for Pathfinder and Starfinder players and GMs in November, including the highly anticipated Pathfinder 2E Beginner Box.
From Paizo:
Take the first step into an amazing world of fantasy adventure! The Pathfinder Beginner Box contains everything you need to learn how to play the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, including rules to create your own fantasy hero and tools to make your own amazing stories.
Will you be a courageous fighter, charging headfirst into battle, or a sly rogue, moving quietly to strike at foes from the shadows? Maybe you will be a knowledgeable wizard, wielding incredible arcane spells or a wise and pious cleric, using the power of your deity to shape the world for the better. It is all up to you!
Inside you will find a rich toolbox, filled with everything you need to get started, including rules for character generation, an introductory adventure, guidelines to build your own campaign, character sheets, a full-color map, character pawns, and dice. This deluxe box set is the ideal introduction to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, leading the way to a lifetime of adventure!
The Pathfinder Beginner Box includes:
- An 80-page Hero’s Handbook, including rules for character generation, a solo adventure, skills, spells, and equipment.
- A 96-page Game Master’s Handbook, containing an introductory adventure, over 20 pages of monsters, rules for building your own adventure, and magic items.
- Four premade characters so you can jump right into the action and four blank character sheets if you want to make your own hero.
- Over 100 character and monster pawns to use on the full-color double-sided adventure map.
- Four game reference cards to help players remember their actions.
- A complete set of polyhedral dice, including a d20, d12, d10, d8, d6, and d4.
MSRP Boxed Set $39.99 – PDF $14.99
The Agents of Edgewatch Adventure Path continues! Having been betrayed by their confidants and stripped of their badges, the Edgewatch agents must perform a daring prison break to spring the wrongly incarcerated primarch. Old enemies become new friends as the heroes work for an infamous underworld crime lord in order to prove their fealty and receive blueprints to the enchanted prison galley known as the Black Whale. Once they’ve rescued their key ally, the heroes must find a way to clear their sullied names and, in the process, exact justice upon the treacherous business mogul who betrayed them in the first place.
“Belly of the Black Whale” is a Pathfinder adventure for four 15th-level characters. This adventure continues the Agents of Edgewatch Adventure Path, a six-part monthly campaign in which players take on the role of city watchdogs and dole out justice to Absalom’s most nefarious criminal elements. This volume also includes new rules and exciting lore regarding Absalom’s notorious prisons, the slithering snake goddess Ravithra, and a throng of new monsters and villains for urban fantasy campaigns.
Each monthly full-color softcover Pathfinder Adventure Path volume contains an in-depth adventure scenario, stats for several new monsters, and support articles meant to give Game Masters additional material to expand their campaign. Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes use the Open Game License and work with both the Pathfinder RPG and the world’s oldest fantasy RPG.
MSRP Softcover $24.99 – PDF $17.99
Expand your encounters with this massive collection of 450 reference cards, featuring every monster from Pathfinder Bestiary 2! Each 4 x 6 card is printed on sturdy cardstock and features a beautiful, full‑color image of a Bestiary 2 monster on one side, while the other side provides that monster’s statistics for quick and easy reference. With each encounter, show the players what their characters are facing while keeping the monster’s abilities at the ready, and watch your games come alive!
MSRP Boxed Set $59.99 – PDF $41.99
In this thrilling kick-off to the new Fly Free or Die Starfinder Adventure Path, a crew of scoundrels, rogues, and misfits finds it hard to survive in a galaxy where everyone has a price. Targeted by a crime boss and his army of enforcers, preyed upon by faceless mega-corporations, and hounded by rivals, the crew of the Free Trader Oliphaunt line up the big score that will at last make them rich beyond their wildest dreams. But when their many enemies join forces and the crew loses it all, they find out there’s two things in the galaxy that can’t be bought: freedom… and revenge.
It’s just another day punching the clock when the player characters, a blue-collar transport crew, are blamed for a bad cargo and stiffed of their bonuses. They take a dangerous job smuggling weapons to a world conquered by militant hobgoblins, but one fiasco later, they’re in debt to a crime boss and about to be fired. Their only chance is to steal the Oliphaunt, an experimental cargo hauler with a magical secret, and then survive long enough to collect the payoff!
“We’re No Heroes” is a Starfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for four 1st-level characters. It makes an excellent introduction to the game for new players. The adventure begins the Fly Free or Die Adventure Path, a six-part, monthly campaign in which a merchant crew with an experimental starship tries to get rich, escape interplanetary assassins, and outwit their rivals. This volume also includes rules for finding, buying, and selling interstellar cargo (and using the profits to enhance your starship), a collection of deadly threats, and a player’s guide that provides advice and new character creation options ideal for this Adventure Path.
Each monthly full-color softcover Starfinder Adventure Path volume contains a new installment of a series of interconnected science-fantasy quests that together create a fully developed plot of sweeping scale and epic challenges. Each 64-page volume of the Starfinder Adventure Path also contains in-depth articles that detail and expand the Starfinder campaign setting and provide new rules, a host of exciting new monsters and alien races, a new planet to explore and starship to pilot, and more!
MSRP Softcover $22.99 – PDF $15.99
Whether the heroes are trying to flag down a robo-taxi for a night on the town or hopping a grav-train to the next city over, no Game Master wants to spend time drawing every ticket kiosk and waiting room bench. Fortunately, with Paizo’s latest Starfinder Flip-Mat, you don’t have to! This line of gaming maps provides ready-to-use science-fantasy set pieces for the busy Game Master. This double-sided map features a grav-train platform on one side and a waiting room and robo-taxi stand on the other. Don’t waste time sketching when you could be playing. With Starfinder Flip-Mat: Transport Hub, you’ll be ready the next time your players need a ticket out of town!
A special coating on each Flip-Mat allows you to use wet erase, dry erase, AND permanent markers with ease! Removing permanent ink is easy—simply trace over any permanent mark with a dry erase marker, wait 10 seconds, then wipe off both marks with a dry cloth or paper towel.
MSRP Print edition $14.99 – PDF $10.49