About the bundle:
Adventurer! This Necropolis 2350 Bundle presents the campaign setting of grimdark 24th-Century horror from Triple Ace Games for Pinnacle Entertainment’s fast-furious-fun tabletop roleplaying game Savage Worlds. On Salus, humanity’s last habitable world, knights of the Third Reformation Church and soldiers of the Union of Corporations battle an onslaught by the undead Rephaim. Take the roles of Impalers, Incinerators, Preachers, and Templars in a desperate struggle against extinction.
We’ve prepared this Necropolis 2350 offer on short notice to help Triple Ace’s prolific Creative Director and longtime Bundle of Holding supporter Paul “Wiggy” Wade-Williams, who last month suffered a debilitating stroke. In addition to Necropolis, Wiggy’s popular Savage Worlds settings include Hellfrost, Slipstream, 50 Fathoms, Weird Wars Rome, Daring Tales of Adventure, Leagues of Adventure, and many more.
For just US$7.95 you get all four titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $49.50) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks,
And if you pay more than the threshold price of $20.63, you’ll level up and also get our entire Bonus Collection with six more supplements worth an additional $64, including four character guides, the 200-page Necropolis Adventure Compendium, and the Necropolis 2351-55 Update, a major expansion that pushes the timeline to still more hellish depths.
Last month Triple Ace Games Creative Director and prolific roleplaying designer Paul “Wiggy” Wade-Williams suffered a stroke. TAG director Robin Elliott says, “Wiggy had two smaller strokes in the summer and has not been well for several months. He suffered a stroke three weeks ago that has affected his ability to communicate. His current condition is stable, but his language center was hit, and he struggles to complete sentences. He is unable to type, and using a computer is difficult. But we hope with some months of recovery and speech therapy he will be able to get back his typing and writing skills, which are crucial to his work.” Ordinarily ten percent of each Bundle of Holding purchase goes to a charity. This benefit offer assigns that charity portion to Triple Ace Games, to help TAG and Wiggy in a tough time.