From Bundle of Holding:
Investigator! We’ve resurrected (for a third time!) our May 2014 Trail of Cthulhu Bundle featuring star designer Kenneth Hite’s horror tabletop roleplaying game of Cthulhu Mythos investigations using the GUMSHOE system from Pelgrane Press. This collection provides the core Trail rulebook and everything you need to uncover dark Lovecraftian plots by demented cultists in your own 1930s detective campaign.
For just US$9.95 you get all four titles in this revived offer’s Starter Collection (retail value $43) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the complete Trail of Cthulhu rulebook, the Pulp-style adventure collection Stunning Eldritch Tales, the Keeper’s Resource Book & Screen, and the atmospheric music soundtrack Four Shadows.
And if you pay more than this offer’s threshold price of $22.04, you’ll level up and also get this revival’s entire Bonus Collection with five more titles worth an additional $65:
- The Armitage Files: Ten mysterious, clue-filled documents by Robin D. Laws, ready-made for improvised sandbox-style adventures based on the players’ interpretations.
- Bookhounds of London: Kenneth Hite’s campaign setting of disreputable hustlers who sell rare Mythos texts — and sometimes defend humanity from their own customers.
- The Book of the Smoke: Also known as The Occult Guide to London, Paula Dempsey’s companion volume to Bookhounds is a primer for the dismal 1930s fog of London.
- Arkham Detective Tales Extended Edition: Five labyrinthine law-enforcement investigations by Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan.
- Rough Magicks: Ken Hite explains the rules of magick for Investigators and Mythos creatures alike.