About the Bundle:
Adventurer! We’ve resurrected our August 2018 Symbaroum Bundle featuring Symbaroum, the tabletop roleplaying game of dark fantasy from Free League Publishing. Inspired by the films Princess Mononoke and Pan’s Labyrinth and the Witcher computer games, Symbaroum conjures the wintry primeval forest of Davokar, a rich setting of ancient ruins and barbarian clans, Iron Pact elven wardens and Blight Beasts, princes and rogues, treasure and corruption, all beautifully illustrated in full color — check the spectacular Imgur gallery.
This bargain-priced offer of English-language .PDF ebooks includes the complete rules, supplements, adventures, game aids, and artwork — everything you need to explore the depths of Davokar. For just US$14.95 you get all five titles in this revived offer’s Starter Collection (retail value $48) as DRM-free .PDFs, including the full-color 264-page Symbaroum Core Rulebook, the Advanced Player’s Guide, the Abilities & Powers reference cards, and Adventure Pack 1 with two introductory scenarios.
And if you pay more than this revived offer’s threshold price of $24.33, you’ll level up and also get this revival’s entire Bonus Collection with five more supplements and adventures worth an additional $51,, including The Mark of the Beast and Tomb of Dying Dreams, two “landscapes” (scenarios) that complete the adventure begun in the Core Rulebook; Thistle Hold – Wrath of the Warden, the launch of the seven-part Throne of Thorns campaign; the Symbaroum Game Master’s Screen; and the glorious art book The Art of Symbaroum.
After you’ve got this bundle, move deeper into the forest with its all-new companion, Symbaroum Settings, that adds recent sourcebooks and adventures.