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Steve Jackson Games has re-released The Awful Green Things from Outer Space, and you can buy it right now! The game, designed by Tom Wham, was originally released in issue 28 of Dragon magazine from August, 1979.

This game really takes me back. Back to a time when I played D&D, built monster models with glow in the dark parts, and read Archie comic digests. While I never had the Dragon magazine issue, I do remember having the Pocket Box edition from Steve Jackson Games. I believe I used to own almost every pocket box game, and actually still own a copy of Undead, but I digress.

If you’re looking for a fun little game for two players, just imagine taking the Genestealers out of Space Hulk and replacing them with clones of Mike Wazowski. A light hearted invasion of death and mayhem. Here is the blurb from Steve Jackson Games, note themention that the expansion that appeared in Dragon #40 is also included:

The crew of the exploration ship Znutar just wanted to cruise around the Galaxy, discovering strange new worlds and playing pool. But then their ship was invaded by the Awful Green Things . . . and suddenly they were fighting for their lives!

In this wacky two-player game, one player controls the Awful Green Things. They grow and multiply every turn – especially if they can gobble up a crew member! The other player commands the crew, frantically trying weapon after weapon (pool sticks, fire extinguishers, cans of Zgwortz) to find something that kills the monsters.

This classic game by Tom Wham first appeared in Dragon Magazine in 1980, and has been a fan favorite ever since! This edition includes Tom’s “Outside the Znutar” rules and counters, for going out the airlocks and fighting on the surface of the ship, and upgraded components: a mounted game board, heavy die-cut counters, and a full-color rulebook!

Elliott Miller

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