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Independent TTRPGs at DriveThruRPG

Now available north of the border is Tierra y Libertad.  The rules have been translated into English, and here’s an English description so you can see what you’ve been missing.

In 1910, the dictatorship in Mexico has ruled more than thirty years. The government strips land from the poor farm workers and the inhumane conditions in which people live encourage you to become a revolutionary. The slogan “effective suffrage, no re-election” drives you.

“Tierra y Libertad” (Land & Freedom) is a cooperative game, in a competitive environment in which all players are revolutionaries fighting for social improvements to achieve victory. This can only be accomplished if the revolutionaries unite to defeat the Conservatives, but the player who scores the most points will be “the greatest revolutionary of Mexico,” and the ultimate winner.

Join the revolution, fighting for noble ideals of justice and become “the greatest revolutionary of Mexico” make friends along the way but beware that the ambition for power is strong and betrayal is the order of the day.

Elliott Miller


  1. Warning: Undefined array key "size" in /home/thegamin/domains/ on line 62

    Like every other potential customer I am interested in your game because I already know about the mexican revolution. Like every other potential customer I read the game description because I want to know about game play. You have nothing there but allusions to the revolution itself and the game.may as well include tennis rackets and soccer balls for all the game description tells me


    • Warning: Undefined array key "size" in /home/thegamin/domains/ on line 62

      This isn’t our game but simply a news piece from the game’s publisher posted 11 years ago. I’m not sure how you misunderstood that. If you have issues with how they present their game, take it up with them.


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