From WotC:
Planeswalker Points levels up this week with the introduction of Achievements and Badges Beta. This new addition to Planeswalker Points brings Magic to a new level, one in which your community of players can now partake in Magic beyond the cards. Starting this week, players’ Organized Play activity will begin to unlock Achievements and Badges through Planeswalker Points that they can then share through the internet. In this article I’ll be explaining just how Achievements and Badges work, what they mean for you as a retailer, and how you can take advantage of the new features offered in this Beta program.
What are Planeswalker Points?
Planeswalker Points launched last September with the message to players that playing is good while winning is better. The new rating system awarded players with three points for a win during a Magic event, one point for a draw, and zero for losing. Players also received participation points for playing in larger events as well as having points multiplied for playing in higher level tournaments (a Pro Tour Qualifier, for example, multiplies players’ points by five; you can read a full point breakdown here).
These points accumulated for players, helping them to reach higher levels within the Planeswalker Points hierarchy. They were also rewarded with byes to Grand Prix tournaments and could earn invitations to the World Magic Cup Qualifier events. As players leveled up they could show off their accomplishments using Facebook, Twitter, and on community sites and blogs.