Title: Basic Fantasy RPG 3rd Edition
Publisher: The Basic Fantasy Project
Author: Chris Gonnerman
Artists: Erik Wilson, Steve Zieser, Matt Finch, Dan Dalton, Luigi Castellani, Nick Bogan, Mike Hill, Kevin Cook, Sean Stone, Brian “Glad” Thomas, Tomas Arfert, Andy “ATOM” Taylor, Jason Braun, Martin “Wulfgarn” Siesto, Brian DeClercq, Martin Serena, Cory “Shonuff” Gelnett, and Alexander Cook
Year: 2016
Genre: Old school fantasy retro-clone
Pages: 166 pages
Price: PDF is available free at DriveThruRPG or get the softcover at cost at Amazon.com (currently $5.00)
I page through and review one of the original fantasy roleplaying retroclones, the Basic Fantasy RPG. Is this a perfect modern take on the original fantasy roleplaying game? Or would you be better served trying to get your Old School Renaissance fix elsewhere? You’ll find out.
28:48 Final thoughts and review score
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