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Call of Cthulhu: Cthulhu by Gaslight Investigator’s Guide Reviewed

Title: Call of Cthulhu – Cthulhu by Gaslight Investigator’s Guide

Publisher: Chaosium Inc

Authors: Kevin McDonald and Mike Mason with William A Barton, Kevin Ross, David Wade, Lynne Hardy, Russell A. Smith, Violet Penn, Rodney Basier, VJ Kopacki, Carrie Hall, and Jason Bell

Artists: Loïc Muzy,Hannah Elizabeth Baker, Bloom Báirseach, Alberto Bontempi, Tom Brown, Yannis Cardin, JB Casacop, Caleb Cleveland, Alice Duke, Chris Huth, Bethan Jones, Symon Leech, Louie Maryon, Joshua Meehan, Sarah Miller, Wayne Miller, Lachlan Page, Riley Spalding, John Sumrow, Alyssa Faden, and Matt Ryan

Year: 2024

Genre: Player’s handbook for the new edition of the Victorian era Cthulhu by Gaslight for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game

Pages: 296 pages

MSRP: $54.99 for the hardcover (including the free PDF if ordering from Chaosium Inc)

I kick back to share my thoughts about the upcoming Cthulhu by Gaslight Investigator’s Guide for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game. The book is player facing and includes a wealth of information about England during the Victorian era as well as all you’ll need to create investigators during the period. The hardcover is slated to arrive in stores this December.

Jeff McAleer

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    Call of Cthulhu: Cthulhu by Gaslight Investigator’s Guide Reviewed

    While I do have a few minor critiques, especially regarding the Investigator's Guide and Keeper's Guide for Cthulhu by Gaslight releases so far apart, this is a great beginning to the new edition of the classic Call of Cthulhu setting. Players have loads of info at their fingertips and should have a good feel for how their investigators fit in adventuring during the Victorian era. All in all, a must own for anyone interested in tackling the Mythos in the UK during the time when the sun never set on the British Empire.

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