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Save with the Hard Wired Island Bundle of Holding

Right now you can score big savings on the Hard Wired Island roleplaying game, from Weird Age Games, by way of Bundle of Holding. You can grab essentially everything available for the 1990s anime inspired cyberpunk RPG for $12.95. These savings only run through January 16th.

About the bundle:

Adventurer! This Hard Wired Island Bundle presents Hard Wired Island, a retrofuture post-cyberpunk tabletop roleplaying game from Weird Age Games inspired by ’90s anime. Set in an alternate 2020 in Grand Cross, an O’Neill cylinder space colony orbiting Earth, Hard Wired Island is about marginalized people using technology to try to change the status quo. The Offworld Cartel sells space exploration as a shared dream, but their true aim is control of Grand Cross and the future of space settlement. As their influence spreads, so do inequality and crime. If the next station election goes their way, the Cartel will become the landlords of human space. Your group of Grand Cross citizens – Fixers, Hackers, Influencers, Soldiers, activists, investigative reporters, gig economy workers – fights criminals, corrupt cops, hate groups, Cartel androids, and the unchecked greed that bleeds your communities dry. If you do things right, you can lead Grand Cross to a better future.

This new offer gives you the entire Hard Wired Island line. For just US$12.95 you get all six titles in our Hard Wired Collection (retail value $64) as DRM-free ebooks, including the complete 400-page Hard Wired Island core rulebook along with the three-scenario collection Tales from L5, the semi-serious Occupation playbooks The Reborn and The Cat, the Hard Wired Island Soundtrack, and a making-of memoir, Hard Wired Island: Behind the Scenes.

Jeff McAleer

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