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Tag: Flash Gordon

Vampirella: Feary Tales #3 (Dynamite Entertainment)

Dynamite Entertainment Titles for December 17th, 2014

Army of Darkness returns with a new volume and Dynamite has other goodies on the agenda for next week including more Lone Ranger Vindicated, Magnus Robot Fighter, Vampirella Feary Tales, and the Flash Gordon Holiday Special one shot.

Dynamite Entertainment Titles for August 6th, 2014

Peter Milligan’s Terminal Hero launches this week, as does Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers, alongside a solid line up of other titles from Dynamite Entertainment including more Flash Gordon and Blood Queen.

Dynamite Entertainment Titles for June 25th, 2014

Fans of variants will have plenty to choose from this week from Dynamite, with Solar Man of the Atom, Mark Waid’s Green Hornet, Turok Dinosaur Hunter, Flash Gordon and Dejah of Mars all receiving multiple covers. Personally, I like the classic look of the cover for Green Hornet’s finale.

Dynamite Entertainment Titles for May 21st, 2014

Another week with a huge number of variants from Dynamite Entertainment including the launches of Howard Chaykin’s The Shadow: Midnight in Moscow and Pathfinder: City of Secrets with the latest Flash Gordon arriving on the scene too.

Dynamite Entertainment Titles for April 9th, 2014

Lots of titles (and lots of variants) to earn your dough this week from Dynamite Entertainment including the launch of Flash Gordon,second issue of Magnus Robot Fighter, and the continuation of The Twilight Zone.