Get in on the Ground Floor with Tasty Minstrel Games

Tasty Minstrel Games is Kickstarting their newest game offering , Ground Floor. As of this writing, they have already reached 76% funding.

Ground Floor is a medium-to-heavy worker placement board game in which 2-6 players control companies and build them into amazing enterprises. It plays in 90-120 minutes. Effectively use your time, money and information, and you might just be the next business mega-mogul with that high-rise corner office!

During play, you will:

I wish they had some more description of the game available, but here is a How to Play video. The game seems set to go TMG just needs the funding to get it printed up.

The game seems set to go TMG just needs the funding to get it printed up. If you are interested, you can pledge to reserve your copy of Ground Floor now. Why is TMG using Kickstarter? Micheal Mindes says “We want TMG to consistently stand for high-quality games with strong theme—where you always experience mechanics, artwork, iconography and components that support and enhance that theme.

To ensure we can make the best possible games with the highest possible production values, we use Kickstarter. Because Kickstarter allows us to keep our production capital, we also have the funds to get behind projects that we otherwise might not be able to. For example, if we paid for Ground Floor up front, we would not be able to import Village.”

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