The Third Party Mutant Crawl Classics Adventure Horror at the MERCC is Up for Crowdfunding

Horror at the MERCC (Tim Sattley Gaming)Designer Tim Sattley has a new third party Mutant Crawl Classics adventure up for crowdfunding. In Horror at the MERCC, a group of 2nd level characters will set out to explore a mysterious, radiation soaked hill, which might be the key to finding life giving medical supplies. The Kickstarter project is 100% funded and you can reserve a softcover copy of the adventure (with PDF) for a $10.00 pledge or just score the PDF for a $7.00 pledge through October 5. Expected delivery is actually in October.

About the project:

The Holy Medicinal Order needs your help. They have recently found  a group of mutated rodents possessing healing artifacts of the ancients. These valuable items must have come from a local anomaly – a small hill, “of a shape not normally found in nature.” 

What strange magical powers of the ancients are at work here?

Why is your sleep plagued by horror filled nightmares?

Are there other artifacts of the ancients can be found in this mysterious place?

What unknown and mysterious things await those seekers brave enough to examine this unnatural phenomenon?

It’s time to find out if your party is up to the task.

The latest adventure module from TSG, High Dive Games is a horror themed, 2nd level adventure for the MCC RPG system. Originally created as the follow-up to the the 1st level adventure Get Me the Juice, this adventure was designed to be dropped into any MCC campaign setting and is filled with unique post-apocalyptic situations, locations, artifacts, artificial intelligence personalities and general mutated hijinks. My goal was to create a ready to play, self-contained adventure that also had individual content pieces that could be pulled out and used by judges who prefer a freestyle campaign approach. As a backer, you will get an an early release copy of this adventure module at a discounted price, plus all of the unlocked stretch goals. Guaranteed digital delivery of the adventure before Halloween.

Horror at the MERCC is the fourth adventure module/zine created and published by Tim Sattley and TSG, High Dive Games. The digital & softcover print-on-demand editions will go out to all backers shortly after the Kickstarter campaign ends (approximately 2 weeks), with the title becoming available for general release only after the printed copies have been shipped and received. No waiting months for fulfillment, this module will be 100% complete well before the Kickstarter campaign ends!

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