Elliott Miller is Leaving The Gaming Gang

I just wanted to let folks know yesterday morning I received an email from Elliott informing me he was quitting TGG effective immediately. For the most part this is due to the fact I can be a pretty stern taskmaster when it comes to how we present information and go about things here at the site. I can understand as already having one job and boss, Elliott surely doesn’t need another. I’ll guess the responsibilities of job and family also in some way (albeit probably a small way) attribute to his leaving and he did mention taking part in the site and show just weren’t as fun as they had once been.

Hopefully our visitors appreciate the nearly two and a half years of time and energy Elliott devoted to the website, podcast, and videos.

So what does this mean for the future of The Gaming Gang?

As with almost all things, time brings about change. The change can be good or ill (or just different) so the key is how you approach that change. Overall there won’t be much radically different around here outside of the podcast being on hold for the moment; I may or may not see if anyone out there would like to take on co-hosting duties but I’m up in the air about that right now. Or the whole podcast format might change in the near future. The “extras” will continue with interviews and such so that remains the same.

One aspect of the site which will change by putting a hold on the podcast will be an increase in the amount of video you’ll see. Recording and editing the podcast normally took a good twelve hours or more every time out; around three hours of recording and then around eight hours to edit down to a manageable hour and half to two hours. Yes, I’m sure some folks are thinking I could have edited much more out of the shows as we’d do quite a bit of sightseeing along the way to getting to the news and reviews but that sightseeing is usually what provided a lot of the laughs. In that same twelve hours though I can easily shoot and edit six or seven unboxing videos with possibly a review or two or some other piece thrown in for good measure.

All in all the old adage “the more things change, the more they stay the same” comes to mind with Elliott’s departure as the main content of the website won’t be any different from what visitors have come to expect. From the beginning I’ve had a clear vision of what I want this website to be and to represent so Elliott might be moving on but TGG continues onward and upward!

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