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A new Troika Luminous Edition adventure has arrived in print at Exalted Funeral from the Melsonian Arts Council and author/illustrator Andrew Walker. Whalgravaak’s Warehouse takes the characters to the wrong side of the Troika tracks to investigate a wizard’s interdimensional warehouse. The 80 page hardcover (with PDF) is available at Exalted Funeral for $25.00 or grab just the PDF at DriveThruRPG for $4.99.

About the adventure:

The interdimensional warehouse of the cruel wizard, Whalgravaak, towers over the bad part of Troika. Suddenly abandoned long ago, its vast store rooms are still full, watched over by dangerous interlopers and sinister hangers-on. What treasures await YOU in WHALGRAVAAK’S WAREHOUSE?

Whalgravaak’s Warehouse is the first book in a series of “1:5 Troika Adventures”.

Oozing with adventure, soaked in danger, a return to the rotten roots of British fantasy gaming!

Whalgravaak’s Warehouse features…

  • A traditional dungeoncrawl.
  • An emphasis on interconnected levels, nonlinear exploration, and resource management.
  • Over a dozen new enemies.
  • Scads of surreal encounters.
  • A horrible tale of logistics gone wrong!
Jeff McAleer

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