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Battlezoo Bestiary: Elemental Storm Kickstarter
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Son of Oak Game Studio has released the Metro:Otherscape Corebook in PDF. The game promises a fantasy-cyberpunk mix which you’ve certainly never seen before. The 368 page hardcover (with PDF) can be pre-ordered for a sale price of $39.95 – the usual MSRP is $44.95 – or grab the PDF right now at DriveThruRPG for $29.95.

About the game:

Demons with railguns. Spirits in cybersapce. Gods in the slums.

:Otherscape is a fantasy-cyberpunk role-playing game that combines supernatural powers inspired by mythology and legend with the gritty neon-lit streets of a sprawling futuristic Megacity.

It takes your game group on a rollercoaster ride of gunfights, vehicle chases, cyberspace heists, urban wasteland exploration, clashes of mythology and technology, faction wars, and philosophical questions about the nature of being human — and how to transcend it.

Mythic-Powered Mercs

You play as a crew of operatives, hired-guns, or survivors caught in the new global arms race between corporations, collapsing governments, and crime syndicates, all rushing to secure Sources of mythical power and cutting-edge tech. You could be:

  • A sourcerous gunslinger shooting enchancted bullets
  • A chromed-up Norse cyborg wielding the power of Mjölnir
  • A spirit of knowledge revelling in cyberspace
  • A scavenger and smuggler of illegal Sources, exlporing the urban wilds
  • A corporate executive who strikes bargains with the Devil’s seal
  • And much more!
Jeff McAleer

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