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Category: RPGs

The Top Ten Censored RPG Books?

Shannon Applegate, over at, has written an interesting column regarding ten role playing game books that have been banned over the years. I have

Dungeons & Dragons Events at Origins

Wizards of the Coast will be at Origins Game Fair at the end of the month and have planned some exciting events, including a playtest

Shadowrun Universe Website Launches

With the successful Kickstart of Shadowrun Returns, the new Shadowrun website has been launched. A whole new day has dawned for Shadowrun. From the Catalyst

Colony: Moon from Postmortem Studios

Postmortem Studios has released Colony: Moon, which is kind of like an RPG, but not really. They describe it as: “A cooperative (or competetive) story

New Pathfinder Supplements Arrive This Week

Four new Pathfinder supplements arrive in stores this week from Paizo Publishing. An all new Adventure Path begins, a horror investigation challenges players, Tieflings arrive