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Fallout The RPG at DriveThruRPG
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Fan favorite Garth Ennis has a new series launching from Dynamite Entertainment tomorrow and it’s the tale of New York City’s elite anti-narcotics unit, Red Team. The comic is intended for mature readers with Ennis on writing duties with art provided by Craig Cermak.

From Dynamite:

Part one: The First-Timers. Eddie Mellinger, Trudy Giroux, Duke Wylie and George Winburn are Red Team: the NYPD’s elite anti-narcotics unit. They’ve taken down one drug lord after another with a careful blend of meticulous surveillance and applied violence, but their latest case has even them stumped. Their frustration leads them to take extreme measures setting them on a path from which there can be no coming back. As they’re about to discover, doing the wrong thing can be very, very seductive.

Red Team Howard Chaykin Cover

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Greg McAleer
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