Word is Marvel will reveal the second “mystery movie” slated for 2014 (alongside what is to be expected as Captain America 2) at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con and rumors are swirling the film in question will be Guardians of the Galaxy. More solid info is just beginning to surface but we already know Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige had previously revealed that a Guardians of the Galaxy film was in the Marvel pipeline, albeit unscheduled at that point while Disney has revealed they have reserved two slots on their 2014 release calendar for two Marvel flicks: May 16th and June 27th. There’s also the possibility of a third Marvel film hitting screens in 2014, albeit an animated feature, Big Hero 6. And you thought the Guardians of the Galaxy was an obscure choice? Big Hero 6 hasn’t hung around long enough, in two separate runs, to register on comic fandom’s radar let alone the general public’s.
Back to the subject at hand, according to the usually reliable Latino Review we should expect the announcement of Guardians of the Galaxy at SDCC as well as the following:
– Thanos is in it – although it’s unknown if he’s the big baddie
– GoG will be the lead into The Avengers 2 in 2015
– The script is, and I quote, “incredible”
For those not familiar with Guardians of the Galaxy, the team is made up of several third-tier Marvel characters for the most part who occupy the Marvel 691 universe of the future. In case you didn’t know, standard Marvel continuity takes place in the 616 Universe. 2008 brought a very well received reboot of GoG and the extremely popular Annihilation crossover event.
Once we know more, or can confirm the rumors of a Guardians of the Galaxy official addition to the Marvel film line up, we’ll get you the latest!
Hailing from the Chicagoland area, Greg brings over three decades of comic book fandom to the fore as TGG’s resident comics expert. From tackling Golden and Silver Age titles to the latest projects on the horizon, he provides an “every fan’s” look at the industry; be it from the reader or publisher’s perspective.