2018 starts with a Titan-ic bang as Sherlock: The Great Game concludes and more Doctor Who, Penny Dreadful, and Hard Case Crime: Quarry’s War arrive from across the pond.
Best Of Star Wars Insider Volume 7 Icons, $24.99
Captain Kronos #4 (Cover A Tom Mandrake), $3.99
Captain Kronos #4 (Cover B Hammer Glamour), $3.99
Dan Dare #4 (Cover A Alberto Fouche), $3.99
Dan Dare #4 (Cover B Chris Weston), $3.99
Doctor Who The Twelfth Doctor Volume 6 Sonic Boom TP, $16.99
Doctor Who The Twelfth Doctor Year Three #11 (Cover A Blair Shedd), $3.99
Doctor Who The Twelfth Doctor Year Three #11 (Cover B Will Brooks), $3.99
Millennium The Girl Who Played With Fire TP, $19.99
Minky Woodcock The Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini #2 (Cover A Fay Dalton), $3.99
Minky Woodcock The Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini #2 (Cover B Cynthia Von Buhl), $3.99
Penny Dreadful #8 (Cover A Adam Caldwell), $3.99
Penny Dreadful #8 (Cover B Photo), $3.99
Quarry’s War #2 (Cover A Will Conrad), $3.99
Quarry’s War #2 (Cover B Claudia SG Iannicello), $3.99
Sherlock The Great Game #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Simon Myers), $4.99
Sherlock The Great Game #6 (Of 6)(Cover B Photo), $4.99
Star Wars Episode VIII The Last Jedi The Official Collector’s Edition HC, $19.99
Listing courtesy of ComicList.