Honestly, one area of gaming that really does need a few more solid undead titles is role playing games. Hunters Books is adding a new RPG to the mix with Outbreak: Undead, hitting stores in the next couple of weeks or so.
From the website:
“Outbreak: Undead” is a Zombie Survival Simulation RPG that is not only fun, but an essential step in surviving the Undead. We at Hunters Books have provided the most dramatic, effective, and above all realistic means in which to (safely) simulate the events of a zombie uprising and try your chances at survival!
Included in Outbreak: Undead, players will find:
• A simple and unique percentile based combat system
• Everyday items that can be used as weapons! You’ll soon find that
anything and everything can be used to destroy the undead.
• Endless scenario types, with the ability to form missions from any and all existing zombie lore and fan-fiction
• Easy-to-use charts that can be used to customize outbreak scenarios for players of all levels of experience
• Dynamic rule-sets, designed to turn the game into a simulation,
including realistic factors such as “Panic,” “Pain,” and “Empathy”
• Character templates for all survivor archetypes, such as firemen, military personnel, and civilians.
The core rulebook of Outbreak: Undead consists of a player’s guide, a game-master’s guide, and a zombie guide. Everything you need to play is contained in one place. The convenience of three books in one.
It looks as if an interesting aspect of the game is a quiz that players can take to assist them in character creation. In other words, if you want to play yourself in a zombie apocalyptic world, it looks as if you’ll be able to. I’m not sure how I would feel about running a game where my buddies end up having their nearly identical alter egos torn limb from limb and eaten, but to each their own I suppose…
You can check out the alter ego test here or take a look at the fourteen page quick start guide here. I have to hope that the completed artwork is punched up a bit from that found in the quick start…
I will point out I’ve heard that the core book is a massive 450 pages, hardcover, and selling for a measly $45. That should be a steal if the system is any good!
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Wow! The art looks terrible, and the system looks awful.
What does this game do that All Flesh Must Be Eaten RPG hasn’t already done years ago?
I think I would go so far as to say the art looks truly horrendous! As far as the system though, I’ll have to reserve judgement until I might have a chance to read through it. Honestly, quick start rules are normally lousy and I’d have to say based on what you get on Free RPG Day, I wouldn’t think there would be any system worth buying – which we know certainly isn’t the case!
I did take a quick peek at AFMBE back in the day but have to be honest and point out I never had a chance to read through the core book.