Save Big with the Shadowrun 5E Essentials Bundle
Catalyst Game Labs and Bundle of Holding have teamed for a couple of money saving Shadowrun offers including the Shadowrun 5E Essentials Bundle.
Catalyst Game Labs and Bundle of Holding have teamed for a couple of money saving Shadowrun offers including the Shadowrun 5E Essentials Bundle.
Jeff discusses ways you might approach bringing the OSR to a table full of 5E D&D players, on this edition of The Gaming Gang Dispatch. Plus the latest news.
Right now you can get your hands on nearly everything Catalyst Game Labs released for Shadowrun 5E for a song through Humble Bundle.
Jeff celebrates the 900th live show with a first look at Havoc! The Combat Card Game from Havoc Games. Plus the latest tabletop gaming news.
Humble Bundle is offing a money saving deal featuring the BattleTech miniatures game from Catalyst Game Labs.
Jeff shares a first look and pages through Regency Cthulhu, for Call of Cthulhu, from Chaosium Inc. Plus the latest tabletop gaming news.
Catalyst Game Labs will be releasing the mercenary edition of the Battletech Beginner Box in September.
Jeff unboxes and takes a first peek at the four character Marvel Dice Throne release from The Op Games. Plus the latest tabletop gaming news.
A new Bundle of Holding has arrived and it features the Shadowrun, Sixth World roleplaying system and setting from Catalyst Game Labs.
Jeff shares a first look at the new SF RPG Death in Space from Stockholm Kartell and Free League Publishing. Plus the latest tabletop gaming news.
You can score essentially the entire Battletech: A Time of War roleplaying line for a song in the latest Bundle of Holding.
Jeff takes a first look at the new board game Dive from Sit Down! Games. Plus the latest tabletop gaming news.
Bundle of Holding has two Shadowrun related offers right now and you just may want to take note of the SR5 Essentials bundle.
Jeff shares the latest gaming news from Bundle of Holding, Paizo Inc, Catalyst Game Labs, Epic Games Store, Full Moon Enterprises, Studio71 Games, and more!
The Shadowrun: Sixth World Beginner Box PDF includes everything you need to embark on fantasypunk adventures including quickstart rules, pre-generated characters, an adventure, and more.