Heroes of Barcadia First Look on The Gaming Gang Dispatch #948
Jeff cracks open the retail box of Heroes of Barcadia, as well as its Party Pack, from Rollacrit. Plus the latest tabletop gaming news.
Jeff cracks open the retail box of Heroes of Barcadia, as well as its Party Pack, from Rollacrit. Plus the latest tabletop gaming news.
Jeff takes a first look at, and pages through, the Kingdoms of Hârn: Kaldor hardcover sourcebook from Columbia Games. Plus the latest tabletop gaming news.
Jeff takes first looks at two expansions for the abstract strategy game War Chest from AEG; 2019’s Nobility and this month’s Siege.
Columbia Games has two new releases available for the Harn roleplaying system. In Keserin Mine players and GMs will explore the hidden mine complex run