Score Big Savings with the Worlds of 2d20 Bundle of Holding
Bundle of Holding and Modiphius Entertainment have teamed for a money saving offer featuring a slew of RPGs in the Worlds of 2d20 Bundle.
Bundle of Holding and Modiphius Entertainment have teamed for a money saving offer featuring a slew of RPGs in the Worlds of 2d20 Bundle.
This week sees Dynamite Entertainment roll out new John Carter of Mars, Red Sonja, and Vampirella: Year One.
Samurai Sonja launches for Dynamite Entertainment this week alongside new Elvira in Horrorland, John Carter of Mars, and Sheena: Queen of the Jungle.
Elvira in Horrorland premieres for Dynamite Entertainment this week as fresh Red Sonja and Sheena Queen of the Jungle make their way into comic shops.
John Carter of Mars launches for Dynamite Entertainment this week alongside the Pathfinder Special: Fumbus as well as the latest Hell Sonja and Jennifer Blood.
Samuel Webb talks with Jeff about plenty of Modiphius roleplaying action including Star Trek Adventures, John Carter of Mars, Conan Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of, Dune, Liminal, and more at Gen Con 2019.