July Brings It’s Only Magic for the Cypher System Roleplaying Game
Next month will see the release of the Cypher System modern spellcasting supplement It’s Only Magic from Monte Cook Games.
Next month will see the release of the Cypher System modern spellcasting supplement It’s Only Magic from Monte Cook Games.
Jeff discusses the most important trait all great DMs/GMs must possess, on this edition of The Gaming Gang Dispatch. Plus the latest tabletop gaming news.
Monte Cook Games and Humble Bundle have teamed for a spectacular money saving offer on the Cypher System roleplaying game and supplements.
On The Gaming Gang Dispatch, Jeff looks to share which RPG mechanic he feels works best; the D20 or the D100? Plus the latest tabletop gaming news.
Monte Cook Games has slated the Cypher System Bestiary for release this month.
On The Gaming Gang Dispatch, Jeff shares some thoughts about how you can draw people together to form your own gaming group. Plus the latest tabletop news.
In Best Leave Them Ghosts Alone, the player characters will find the bill come due for past deeds.
Jeff brings you the latest tabletop gaming news of the day on The Gaming Gang Dispatch.
Monte Cook Games has released the eagerly anticipated post-apocalyptic sourcebook Rust and Redemption for the Cypher System.
On a Thursday night edition of The Gaming Gang Dispatch Jeff unveils the freshest tabletop gaming news of the day.
The Numenera Horizons Bundle features recent additions to the game line and you can get started by grabbing eight PDFs for the entry price of $14.95.
Monte Cook Games and Bundle of Holding have teamed for a couple of money saving Numenera offers.
Jeff celebrates the 1000th live stream with the latest tabletop gaming news plus an AMA too.
A great introduction to the Ninth World of Numenera has arrived in print and PDF from Monte Cook Games, The Glimmering Valley.
Jeff takes a first look at the WWI/Folk Horror miniatures game A War Transformed from Osprey Games. Plus the latest tabletop gaming news of the day.