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Tag: Scumbag

Stray Dogs #2 (Image Comics)

Image Comics for March 24th, 2021

This week brings more Bitter Root, HaHa, Nomen Omen, Scumbag, and Stray Dogs rocking and rolling on into comic shops from Image.

Rain Like Hammers #1 (Image Comics)

Image Comics for January 20th, 2021

Rain Like Hammers premieres for Image this week as new issues of Killadelphia, Scumbag, and Seven to Eternity make their way into your FLCS.

Monstress Talk-Stories #1 (Image Comics)

Image Comics for November 25th, 2020

Plenty on tap from Image this week including the premiere of Monstress Talk-Stories and new Chu, Department of Truth, Scumbag, and Spawn.