The Daily Dope #385 – Tabletop Gaming News for October 28th, 2019
Jeff brings you the latest tabletop gaming news from Modiphius Entertainment, Queen Games, Thames & KOSMOS, Free League Publishing, Tuesday Knight Games, White Wizard Games, and more.
Jeff brings you the latest tabletop gaming news from Modiphius Entertainment, Queen Games, Thames & KOSMOS, Free League Publishing, Tuesday Knight Games, White Wizard Games, and more.
The hit video game Cites: Skylines hits the table top as a cooperative endeavor where the players will have to balance many aspects of urban design such as financial resources, environment, traffic flow, and more.
Exit: The Catacombs of Horror is an expert level tale where the players will attempt to save a friend lost somewhere in the famed underground ossuaries of Paris.
Jeff unboxes and takes a first look at The Last Hundred Yards from GMT Games. Plus the latest tabletop gaming news.
In Lost Cities: Rivals, two to four players will bid on cards in order to create expeditions and score victory points.
Jeff reviews the cyberpunk game Renegade from Victory Point Games. Plus the latest gaming/geek culture news.
Thames & Kosmos (the English language publishing arm of Kosmos) has announced two upcoming games: The Rose King and Tally Ho.