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cc_higginsIf you’re a fan of 18XX titles (or maybe I should say 19XX in this case) you might want to swing over to Numbskull Games to take a peek at C.C. Rail Pass which is now available for pre-order. The game is for three to six players and should be playable in under two hours with an MSRP of $59.99.

From Numbskull:

C. C. HIGGINS RAIL PASS is a railroad board game that lets you relive the excitement of a railroad executive in the heyday of rail travel.  Collect sets of rail passes as you travel the rails of historically and geographically authentic North American railroad companies of 1920. A simple, fast moving strategy game of skill without dice or chance cards, suitable for the entire family.

Designer: Patrick Stevens

Artists: Patrick Stevens, Mike Neumann, and David Prieto

Players: 3-6

Ages: 8 to adult

Play time: 1 – 2 hours

Jeff McAleer

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