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Classic Dungeons & Dragons at Dungeon Masters Guild
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Cubicle 7 Games has released a small supplement for Warhammer 40k Roleplay Imperium Maledictum. Take to the vast city-ship adventure setting His Glorious Shield and explore the world of Jotungarth. The 28 page PDF is available at DriveThruRPG for $4.99.

About the supplement:

Embark on a thrilling adventure aboard His Glorious Shield, a vast city-ship sailing the frigid seas of Jotungarth. The bitter winds of this icy world are a lethal deterrent to life above deck, but existence within the confines of this wretched vessel is little better. Still, it is home to millions of Imperial citizens, each toiling away in loyal service to the Emperor, content with their lot and united in adoration of their enlightened rulers. At least, this is what Captain Valgaard would have you believe. Dissenters plot to claim her position as their own, and they are willing to risk sinking the only world they have ever known in the attempt.

His Glorious Shield presents an exciting location for use in your next game of Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay: Imperium Maledictum. Set on the icy world of Jotungarth, this supplement explores a single city-ship and its citizens. More akin to a floating hive than a sea-faring vessel, His Glorious Shield sails the frigid waters of Jotungarth, processing the ocean’s bounty into nutrient paste for shipment throughout the Macharian Sector and raising stout recruits for the Jotungarth Regimentum. This packed PDF includes;

  • A fascinating cast of characters, each with their own motivations, plot hooks, and noble (or nefarious) plans.
  • A detailed look at His Glorious Shield as a setting, and suggestions for how to use it in your next campaign.
  • Advice on how to use the supplement with Patrons of each faction and on which NPCs might make good Patrons in their own right.
  • A guide to the most influential factions of the ship, from Captain Vaalgard and her officers, through the uncompromising fanatics of the Peerless Sun, to the enigmatic
  • Bilge Lord and his loyal, if somewhat unpredictable, gangers.

His Glorious Shield is an indispensable supplement for GMs, suitable as an intriguing location to drop into an ongoing campaign for parties travelling about the sector or as the starting point for a new campaign. If you are looking for another location for your games of Imperium Maledictum, check out the Imperim Maledictum Starter Set and its fascinating guide to Hive Rokarth. His Glorious Shield requires either the Starter Set or the Imperium Maledictum Core Rulebook to fully enjoy.

Jeff McAleer

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