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Classic Dungeons & Dragons at Dungeon Masters Guild

Exalted 3E: Across the Eight Directions (Onyx Path Publishing)Onyx Path Publishing has released the latest sourcebook for the third edition of the Exalted roleplaying game. Across the Eight Directions explores a variety of regions and cultures for players and game masters to explore. The 322 page PDF is available right now at DriveThruRPG for $29.99.

About the sourcebook:

From frozen Northern tundra to vast Southern deserts, from dense Eastern forests to the West’s endless waters, Creation shelters myriad cultures and civilizations.

Night horrors stalk the farmlands outside Whitewall, while residents and refugees within struggle with overpopulation and hunger. In the rebel satrapy of Fray, dragonlord Hanto Galina has named herself Empress and laid claim to the Scarlet Throne. Intelligent wolves rule in Wolf’s Paw, adopting human finery and demanding loyalty from human servants. By the Dreaming Sea, Tzakul relicts play their soul game, competing to seize opponents’ bodies. Varangian astrologers study citizens’ horoscopes, setting social status from the moment of birth. Alien structures loom over Decanthus, a Southwestern city recently returned from Hell. Smiths in the empire of Makelo produce fantastic works, their craft handed down from the forge-goddess Ninegala. An ominous heart beats beneath the Silverswept Plains, drawing the plains clans into the entity’s inhuman nightmares.

Across the Eight Directions provides details about locations throughout Creation, including their history, culture, government structure, religious practices, and more. It introduces new settings, and expands upon familiar locales. It also discusses prominent figures active in each location, and presents information on local neighbors such as allies, rival cities, or wilderness areas with intriguing mysteries for explorers to encounter. 

Jeff McAleer

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