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Evolution: Another World (CrowD Games)The latest release in the Evolution: Origin of the Species series is landing in stores next month from CrowD Games. A fantasy world lays ahead as players will compete to to be the first transmute a trio of magical creatures they create. Evolution: Another World is for one to four players, ages 11+, play in 20 to 30 minutes, and will carry an MSRP of $35.00 when it arrives in March.

About the game:

Welcome to an alternate world of wondrous creatures where evolution went a different way! Here, mystical places of power — the Sources — produce pure energy. Fascinating creatures consume and accumulate it to perform a marvelous transmutation. A fierce struggle ensues between those who seek to become a super-being.

We know a great deal about the evolution on Earth. It’s an exciting story of various creatures acquiring defensive & offensive traits to adapt to the ever-changing environment. What we don’t know is if there might be other worlds where completely different creatures dwell. Will the same laws of evolution apply there too? It’s time to find out!

Evolution: Another World is a card game in a beloved Evolution: the Origin of Species series. In the game, you create animals and give them traits, so they survive and thrive in the chaotic world of wondrous creatures. The goal of the game is to give your creatures enough energy to transmute and transcend their state of existence. The first player to transmute three creatures wins the game.

This is a fast-paced, easy-to-learn game with a solo mode included in the core game. Mechanically, it is inspired by Evolution: New World, but trades some complexity for more dynamic and light gameplay.

This game is Family-friendly because animals can’t die or be eaten by predators. Competition is peaceful, but you can attack other players’ creatures to gain energy. This game has a straightforward win condition: you don’t need to count VP at the end of the game. Transmute 3 of your creatures and you win the game!

Evolution: Another World Cards (CrowD Games)

Jeff McAleer

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