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Battlezoo Bestiary: Strange and Unusual for Pathfinder Reviewed

Game Name: Battlezoo Bestiary – Strange and Unusual

Publisher: Roll for Combat

Authors: Stephen Glicker, Mark Seifter, James Abendroth, Erica Abenti, Mark T. Adkins, Jeffrey Anderson, Daniel Aznavorian, Stephen Bandstra, Lau Bannenberg, Lorenzo Barquín, Stephen Bendig, Ryan Bentzinger, Nathan Berg, Adan Bermudez, Mavi Biglietto, Vittorio Boemio, Aaron B. Bradford, Andrew Braithwaite, Michael Bramnik, Dave Breitmaier, Michael Burchett, Alexander Burley, Justin Cando, Carlos H. Caro, Jake Cassar, Matt Cavanaugh, Brite Cheney, Alexander Eldritch, Aoife Ester, Hunter Evans, Luca T. Fassari, Davide Filippi, Ivis K. Flanagan, Logan France, Alex G. Friedman, Sebastian Garde, David Greene, Kalen H.M., Elizabeth Harris, Katrina Hennessy, Elizabeth Heyeck, Charlie Ho, S.A. Janke, Garry Stacey Johnston, Juho Kattelus, Erin A. Keston, Gregg Kieffner, Ryan King, Kitsune Kirin, Jameson Knopp, Jason Koellner, Ben Kojis, Ivan Kulikov, W. Brian Lane,Jesse Lehto, Nick Lucas, Jason Luke, Jake Marohl, Marty Martinez, Marceline Miller, Francois Potvin Naud, J.M. “Django” Nogueira, Brian Nowosatka, Nicholas Potter, Michael Robinson, Julian Röth, Gabriel M.S. Santos, Gabriel Santos, J.A. Saunders, Tony Saunders, Kenneth Schleich, Aviv Schwarz, Juniper Scott, Daniel Seligmüller, Natthan Senteni, Lucas Servideo, Jonathan T. Sims, Jacob Sloan, Rodney Sloan, Benjamin Sulzer, Ben Tait, Vincent Thériault, Brant Vallier, Dejan Veskovic, Michael Vieths, Nick Volpe, David Walker, Anthony Wheeler, Joshua White, Spencer Whiting, Garrick J. Williams, and Nathan Wright

Artists: Ameur Makhloufi, Çağdaş Demiralp, Douglas Deri, Miguel Regodón Harkness, Kaion Luong, Yugin Maffioli, Dio Mahesa, Ameur Makhloufi, Bruno Mello, Vinicius Menezes, Marco Morales, William O’Brien, Fabian Parente, Felipe Perez, Christoph Peters, Kiki Moch Rizki, Allan Santos da Silva, Egil Thompson, Danh Tran, Allyson Vitor, and Stefan Poag

Year: 2023

Genre: Fantasy roleplaying bestiary filled bizarre and odd monsters and creatures for Pathfinder

Pages: 226 pages

MSRP: Hardcover (with PDF) $50.00 or $29.99 for just the PDF

I tackle the Pathfinder edition of Battlezoo Bestiary: Strange and Unusual from Roll for Combat. The volume includes over 150 award winning creatures and monsters submitted to the RPG Superstars contest back in 2021.

Jeff McAleer

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    Battlezoo Bestiary: Strange and Unusual for Pathfinder Reviewed

    While some of the Strange and Unusual bestiary is a mixed bag there is far more hit than miss in this Battlezoo Bestiary; some of these creatures wouldn't make it to my game table but a great many of them would. The production quality is excellent and the artwork throughout is fantastic. I certainly recommend picking up the bestiary if you're in the mood for oddly bizarre monsters.

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