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The Godzilla: Mechagodzilla 50th Anniversary and Star Trek Celebrations one-shots lead the charge this week as IDW Publishing.

Star Trek Celebrations #1 (IDW Publishing)


Godzilla Mechazilla 50th Anniversary #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Andrew Griffith), $6.99
Godzilla Mechazilla 50th Anniversary #1 (One Shot)(Cover B James Marsh), $6.99
Godzilla Mechazilla 50th Anniversary #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Ryan Miller), AR
Golgotha Motor Mountain #3 (Cover A Robbi Rodriguez), $5.99
Golgotha Motor Mountain #3 (Cover B Nikola Cizmesija), $5.99
IDW Monthly Title Catalog June 2024, AR
My Little Pony Classics Reimagined The Unicorn Of Odd TP, $12.99
Sonic The Hedgehog #69 (Cover A Min Ho Kim), $3.99
Sonic The Hedgehog #69 (Cover B Bracardi Curry), $3.99
Sonic The Hedgehog #69 (Cover C Nathalie Fourdraine), AR
Star Trek Celebrations #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Paulina Ganucheau), $5.99
Star Trek Celebrations #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Angel Solorzano), $5.99
Star Trek Celebrations #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Kevin Wada), AR
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Best Of Slash #1 (Cover A James Biggie), $6.99

Listing courtesy of


Greg McAleer
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