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Battlezoo Bestiary: Elemental Storm Kickstarter
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Melsonian Arts Council and Bundle of Holding have teamed for a new money saving offer on the Troika! roleplaying game and supplements. You can jump aboard for $9.95 to grab four titles – including the Numinous edition of the core book – or go all in at the current threshold price of $19.97 and score all ten PDFs. These savings run through October 7th.

About the bundle:

Adventurer! This new Troika! 2024 Bundle is our third offer that gathers recent acid-fantasy adventures for the Troika! tabletop fantasy roleplaying game from Melsonian Arts Council. You are a Wizarding Nautiloid, cryptozoologist, venomist, Misstep Monastic, Octopod Headfoot, Charonite Guilder, or maybe a Washed-Up Blacksash, dimension-hopping in your golden barge among the crystal spheres strung like pearls across the hump-backed sky. The simple Troika! rules, inspired bye the 1980s Fighting Fantasy gamebooks, let beginners and jaded roleplayers alike go wild in crazed cross-planar pursuits. Trip the light fantastic with this new assortment of visionary adventures fueled by hallucinatory creativity.

For just US$9.95 you get all four titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $50) as DRM-free ebooks, including the complete Troika! Numinous Edition core rulebook (which previously appeared in both our past Troika! offers), along with three third-party sourcebooks:

  • Swann Castle (Hex Games): The forested crossroads at the Multiversal Junction of 100 different worlds.
  • Bridgetown (Technical Grimoire Games): Connect your campaign worlds with this endless crowded bridge, and take time to make a tasty stew.
  • Goblin Mail (Evlyn Moreau): A deep dive into the disorganized multiversal postal system run by goblins. Can you retrieve your package?

And if you pay more than the threshold price of $19.97, you’ll level up and also get our entire Bonus Collection with six more games and supplements from Melsonian Arts Council worth an additional $40, including the standalone Troika!-based standalone superhero RPG Longshot City and these adventure sourcebooks:

  • Academies of the Arcane: A construction kit for wizarding colleges in any fantasy campaign.
  • The Big Squirm: A noir investigation by Luke Gearing (Fever Swamp) in Downgate Arches, the wealthy and corrupt estates suspended by chains above a dark void.
  • The Hand of God: You are kidnapped and imprisoned three miles high atop the index finger of a titanic stone statue overgrown with life and ur-gods and the demon-bird THOG, thief of dreams.
  • Slate & Chalcedony: Two sorcerous towers are draining life from the spheres. Stop this otherwise inevitable doom!
  • Whalgravaak’s Warehouse: Explore a centuries-old shipping site created by a cruel logistics wizard.
Jeff McAleer

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