Publisher: Necrotic Gnome and Exalted Funeral
Authors: Giuseppe Rotondo, Glynn Seal, Brad Kerr, D. M. Wilson, and Sarah Brunt
Artists: Mark Lyons, Chris Malec, Peter Pagano, and Stefan Poag
Year: 2024
Genre: Four adventure anthology for the Old-School Essentials fantasy roleplaying game
Pages: 64 pages
MSRP: Hardcover (with PDF) $20.00 at Exalted Funeral or $10.00 for the PDF alone at DriveThruRPG
I share my review of the first adventure anthology for Old-School Essentials, from Necrotic Gnome and Exalted Funeral. The 64 page hardcover contains four varied fantasy roleplaying tales for character levels first through ninth. Included are The Jeweler’s Sanctum by Giuseppe Rotondo, Curse of the Maggot God by Glynn Seal, The Sunbathers by Brad Kerr, and The Comet That Time Forgot by D. M. Wilson and Sarah Brunt.