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The Secret Files of Section D Reviewed

Title: The Secret Files of Section D

Publisher: Imaginarium Games

Author: Allan Wroe

Artists: Mat McGawley, Allan Wroe, and Scott Vaughn

Year: 2022

Genre: Savage Worlds Adventure Edition setting book mainly focused on pulp adventure pre-WWII

Pages: 240 pages

MSRP: £40 for the hardcover. The PDF can be had by way of DriveThruRPG for $19.99.

I bring you my review of The Secret Files of Section D setting book, for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition, from Imaginarium Games. The volume provides content for gaming in three different genres: pre-WWII pulp action, espionage prior to the Second World War, and military adventuring during the globe-shattering conflict.



There's a lot of really good content packed in The Secret Files of Section D and I think on taking a stronger focus on simply one of the three genres featured in the book would have done wonders. The author tends to jump from one genre to the next and then back again rather than setting aside individual sections for each genre. You'll be able to cherry pick interesting aspects but the shotgun approach is more negative than positive for the presentation.


There's a lot of really good content packed in The Secret Files of Section D and I think on taking a stronger focus on simply one of the three genres featured in the book would have done wonders. The author tends to jump from one genre to the next and then back again rather than setting aside individual sections for each genre. You'll be able to cherry pick interesting aspects but the shotgun approach is more negative than positive for the presentation.
Jeff McAleer
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