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Fallout The RPG at DriveThruRPG
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An interesting looking new roleplaying game has arrived from Pickpocket Press. Featuring a mash up of cyberpunk and sorcery, Lowlife 2090 contains everything you’ll need to create adventures in the dystopian setting of Mendoza City. The 321 page hardcover corebook is available at DriveThruRPG for $65.00 or in PDF for $20.00.

About the game:

Lowlife 2090 is a d20 based tabletop RPG of Cyberpunk & Sorcery set in 2090.

It combines fierce combat, dangerous magic, flexible PC customisation, and fast, integrated hacking in one tidy tome.

Includes the Mendoza City setting (60+ pages, City Map, 20 Districts, Factions, etc – a labyrinthine Vertacity packed with 25 million nellers, surrounded by post apoc badlands), but is also easily adapted to your favourite dystopian sprawl. 

  • Roll20 and Foundry VTT character sheets available.
  • Free GM Screen PDF inserts and Form Fillable PDF Character Sheets via DTRPG. 
  • 2 x Free PDF Adventures (Roachtown Rumble [short intro adventure] and No Sprawl For Old Men) via DTRPG. 

Our third Adventure, Fallen Star, is due out end of June 2021. We intend to continue producing new LL 2090 adventures every second month.  

Jeff McAleer

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