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Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second EditionAt Gen Con we learned that Fantasy Flight Games will be releasing Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition come fourth quarter 2011. There will even be a separate conversion kit which will allow owners of the original edition to convert their game for an all new and updated experience without having to purchase the entire game once again.

Descent Second Edition will retail at $79.95 and you can pick up the conversion kit for $24.95

From FFG:

Mennara is a world of magic, mystery, and adventure. In the deep places beneath the earth lurk terrifying monsters and foul villains, conspiring to plunge the land into shadow. The darkest parts of the forests hide things better forgotten, and in the mountains gather hordes of savage creatures whose only ambition is bloodshed. And behind all that evil and all that malice lurks the Overlord, the hidden threat that seeks to work his dark design across the realm. Fortunately, Mennara is also a world of heroes. Heroes clever of mind, strong of sword arm, and stout of heart. Heroes in many shapes and sizes, unlikely heroes of many races and creeds and from many walks of life. Heroes like you…

Jeff McAleer

1 Comment

  1. I think what catches my eye more than the new edition is the fact they’re changing the setting world to Mennara. That’s a new one to me.


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